Friday, February 8, 2008

Home Again

Just returned from the convention. I was very impressed with the overall quality, the content, and the emphasis of what I heard. It was a strong exhortation to excellence in the ministry of teaching and an unapologetic and definitive stand for academic training of children and teens that is decidedly, thoroughly, and consistently Christian. No waffling, no "salt and light" excuses for embedding kids 30-40 hours a week in temples to a false god, no integrating the world's philosophies and "christianizing" them with a few Bible verses.

The opening message reminded us teachers that our students are our Timothys -- our sons in the faith. Like the believers in Philippi were to Paul, our students are our joy and crown. We need to teach them diligently with that attitude so as to build them up in their faith to become worshippers of, and thus servants of, the Lord.

The closing message took us to the account of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and and encouraged us to approach our ministry with the humility of a servant. Instead of trying to climb to greatness, we need to descend to a place before God and others where we genuinely minister. It's not about our professional achievement, it's about God's glory and the eternal hope he offers to human souls.

In between, there were dozens of workshops from which to choose that provided information, encouragement, and instruction in both the pragmatic and philosophical aspects of teaching. They were packed into a small amount of time, so we got a lot of information at a fast and furious pace. I need some time to mentally download it all and sort through it. I'm glad I took a lot of notes. Fortunately I had my laptop with me, so I was able to type quickly.

DH had a restful time, and we had wonderful fellowship and conversation with the N's. They took us to a funky little burger joint in downtown KC at the Crown Center called Fritz's . Your food order is delivered to your table by a miniature train on an overhead track. It's really quite clever. I did a little shopping at the Christmas ornament store. Back at the hotel, we all spent a couple hours playing Wii. DH doesn't usually get too excited about technological fads, but he really enjoyed this one.

We were thankful to the Lord for safe travel, a comfortable place to stay, the generosity of friends who helped make the trip possible, and the AACS staff and presenters who offered the conference. I am already looking forward to next year!


Anonymous said...

ya know, isn't it after a great encouraging conferance the time after that satan just attacks ya with a tough week. That is what happened to gary!! had an awesome week a training and then a super hard week last week!!!

I didn't even know you had gone since I hadn't checked your blog in awhile. I'm glad it was a good time.

It's odd, cuz you were on my mind last night, and I almost called, but thought twice about it cuz I know you guy shave such a tight schedule in the evenings. I love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness jenny, I was so mad at those kids!! LOL! Now it's kinda funny after one mom on the emmaus alumni website told me to read her story about what her kids did before she came out of the bedroom. She had lotsa naughty ones to tell, haha!!

Happy valentines day!! =)

Hey, we are having a bday party for michele at BK on sat. at 3...feel free to stop by, it is just gonna be a bunch of little kids and me and gary and mom eaches....although i am sure some parents may stay who knows. She found her present today cuz she followed me to the basement and I forgot about it! lol! oops!! She found the stove thing, but she didn't take it out of the sack so she probably doesn' teven know what it is, she just pushed the button and saw it made noise and wanted it. hehe.

U better come get that huge tub from my basement!

call me on my cell tonight, I gotta ask your opinion on something! I'll be at mom's that's why I said call my cell, unless u get t his b4 five then call me at home!

Anonymous said...

ok nevermind, my smart mother helped me figure it out =)