Monday, October 15, 2007

A Joyful Moment in a Rough Day

Today was a rather difficult day for us at work. We are both overly tired, burning the candle at both ends, and dealing with heart issues of several of our students. In the middle of these joy-snatchers, a friend we had not seen for many months unexpectedly showed up for a short visit to our new school. She was overflowing with hugs, love, support, and encouragement for the job we are doing. Thank you, dear friend, for your kindness. And thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending her to us.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful that someone came to see you guys today on this dreary rainy day!!

GREAT news for us today! Gary got the full time job!!! YAY!!!!

Love ya dear friend!!! Maybe we'll go for a walk and see you tomorrow...we need sunshine!!!!

Mrs.A said...

Praise the Lord for the job!!! Is this with YSS? We will pray for both physical and spiritual strength for him.

Please do come and see us. We have lunch from 11:30-12:10 Tuesday. There is a ladies' Bible Study in the building from about 10-11, so we have to be extra quiet then. After lunch I may be taking my Chemistry class on a short field trip.

jenica said...

I'm glad to hear of the Lord's gracious care for you today.

Anonymous said...

lol, as you can see we did NOT time or motivation. We went to the library and BK again, mom E. took us.

Tomorrow is my day off...woohoo!! DARN THIS bad weather!!

yep, at YSS. =)

he has to work sunday evening cuz they need the full timers to take an extra shift this week. I don't mind since he will get to go to church and have a majority of the day to rest. This isn't every week, just this week. U should come see me sun. evening. :)

Mrs.A said...


Thank you, dear, for your words of encouragement. We had a much better day today. In our new situation it seems that the Holy Spirit is working much more liberally in the lives and hearts of our students (and their teachers??) than we had seen in a long time. It was as if in the previous situation the Holy Spirit had been both grieved and quenched. We are very blessed and very thrilled with the changes we are experiencing.


Sorry we missed you, today. Do you not have BSF tomorrow? We have chapel instead of recess in the morning from 9:50-10:10. Lunch is again at 11:30-12:10. Afternoon recess is from 1:30-1:50. We dismiss at 3:10, but I need to leave right away tomorrow for an appointment at 3:30. We will not have school on Thursday or Friday, due to a convention we will be attending out of state. Sunday night I am on the ice from 4-6:30. I may be able to stop by for just a bit afterwards, depending on how much work I have to get done for Monday. I also have to work diligently the next week-and-a-half on my seminary class reading and paper. It's all due a week from Friday!

Anonymous said...

I'm back :) Check out my diary!

voni said...

Merry Christmas dear ones!!!!

Mrs.A said...

And to you, sweet child.

We are spending Christmas with dear friends for the first time since we were all together with your family five years ago. It still hurts like heck, and I know it is doubly hard for you with all the birthdays and the anniversary. Every place I went shopping and all the festive holiday trimmings I looked at these last few weeks reminded me of your mom and the fun we always had together.

Please know how much we love you. Share our love with everyone.